August 28, 2012

Castaway: Walls & floors (conversion)

My conversion of walls and floors from Castaway Stories, now fixed -  with one recolorable channel. I'll convert the terrains too, in future ;)

Two single .package files - one for wall and one for floors (both in one .rar archive).


  1. I already told you that I love this house ! Thanks for sharing these walls and floors ! They're amazing ! =D

  2. Thanks for the walls, you are very talented.

  3. This is wonderful walls! Thank you very much ♡

  4. YESSSS! Thank you so much for these, the Castaway conversions were some of the things I've been missing the most in TS3!

  5. Amazing job on this collection of goodies! Just one question since I can't load up my game right now - are these CASTable?

    1. All walls and floors have one recolorable channel, you can check it in game ;)

  6. you are the best !! thank you very much =)

  7. I absolutely love it all!!! xxxx

  8. Please to Sims3.pack !!

    1. Sims3pack and .package are the same! After installation sims3packs with launcher you can see .dbc files in DCCache folder. These file formats - .dbc and .package - have the same construcion :)

  9. Domek jest przepiękny <3
    Przepraszam że piszę tutaj ale nie mam gdzie bo na forum jestem zbanowana a sama nie potrafię znaleźć odpowiedzi..
    Otóż wiesz może gdzie można ściągnąć tego Moda Any lot size pod tą najnowszą łątkę.. Bo ściągam jakąś wersję ale jak wpisuje ten kod to pisze że nie rozpoznaje..?
    Z góry dziękuję i pozdrawiam

    1. Do jakiego folderu wrzuciłaś mod? Pisz na maila:

  10. Hello. ^^ I recently installed these packages into my mods/packages folder. They didn't appear in my game, so I went ahead and deleted my caches to see if that would help. The walls and the floors still aren't appearing, I was wondering if I did something wrong?

    1. You must unpack it:
      into documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 and next put my walls&floors into documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages (documents - not Program Files).

      Sorry for my English, I hope you understand this comment ^^

    2. Hello again. :)

      That's actually what I did. I set up my framework last year and I've installed about 2000 package files into my game so far. (Far too much if you ask me, but I can't help myself sometimes. xD)

      All of them seem to be working fine, but I can't seem to get these walls and floors to appear. I was just wondering if something different had to be done. I guess not, so thank you anyway. ^^

  11. Hello :D

    I absolutely LOOOOVE that you converted these!!!

    I am making Sunlit Tides (the island world) into a world full of island natives and a couple of castways. The problem is that there is almost no objects and clothes and stuff for the world, so finding these wallpapers was awesome!

    I was wondering if you will be converting anything else from Sims Castaways to Sims 3? I noticed in one of the pictures there were a table and a chair not from Sims 3. If its from Sims castaways would you consider uploading it to here? I really need stuff for my world :( I really just need clothes and objects at this point.
    For example, I love the blue outfit that the sim is wearing in the second picture on this link...

    So, if you happen to have the time, please consider converting a few more things from Sims Castaways. If you do I would love you forever!!! And if thats not enough then I'll pay you a bit for your time spent converting :)

    I would do this myself, but some of us dont know how and probably aren't smart enough to figure it out X(

    Anyways, please let me know what you think :) thanks for your time

  12. Thank you so much...just I need for Paradise¡

  13. I am finding that the colors don't actually change in my game. Selected colors make the current color of the wall paper lighter or darker, but the color stays the same. Can you fix this?

  14. I love this set soooooooooooooooo much! This is absolutley what I dreamed for. And I like to use it with Murfeels Oriental Trading company, but I get a warning because of a Virus. I know that has nothing to do with you. Maybe it is a wrong allert, but sometimes it can happen, when the providing site like mediafire includes something bad. Would you mind to reupload again, I would be so thankfull.

  15. I just wish to have these walls and floors to TS4. These looks so good.

  16. Latoya Sims: Castaway: Walls And Floors (Conversion) >>>>> Download Now

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    Latoya Sims: Castaway: Walls And Floors (Conversion) >>>>> Download LINK

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    Latoya Sims: Castaway: Walls And Floors (Conversion) >>>>> Download Full

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