August 26, 2012

Castaway: 591 - tropical house

House from my island, Waikiki :) I think it's perfect for Sunlit Tides too ^^

CC by:
Cyclonesue (fence, door)
VitaSims (deco)
Black Sweety (chairs, table, endtable, rugs, clutter)
Cocomama (dresser, bathtub, clutter)
Zveki (Mao curtain)
Shino&KCR (fridge, stove, sink)

Murano's deco roof conversion (by me & Dominic)
Castaway walls & floors conversion  (by me)

The store *:

 Not included.

If you don't see lot in your game, download the library file and put into documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Library:



  1. That's simply fantastic. I adore this castaway style! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful house with us!

    Greetings, Britta

  2. so very beautiful !!!! just downloaded it !!! thankyou

  3. Why i can not download roof

    1. I tried download the roof file 1 min ago and I could do it. You should try again.

  4. I really admire your work :) Keep it goin'

  5. Great work!What a natural!!
    Thank you.

  6. I like the style of this house, very authentic, thank you ^^

  7. OMG, I'm really in love with the house.
    Well done!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Gorgeous ! That's an awesome job ! =D

  10. I installed your house (I posted to you yesterday) and it appeared in game, but I was very astonished that the wall and floor decoration inside showed only partly up and outside completely (although I already some time ago installed all castaway walls, floors and furniture I could get). The bed was in mission style although I bought and installed Sunlit Tides. The bathroom furniture is missing completely, and the parts of the African set too. Why is it such a mess?

    Many greetings, Britta

    1. I've used unreleased version of conversion (^^) of wall and floors - I've added one recolorable channel to these covers:

      and I'll upload the set in this week :)

      Anyway, you don't have to buy in the store - all sets are free here:,15100.0.html


  11. Wow, this is so beautiful! Definitely going to move my Sunlit Tides family into this :D
    Question: How did you get it to stand in water? I've never figured out to build a house over water like that.

    1. I've made a deep pond with flat bottom, put columns into water and built house on these columns ;)

  12. I don't really download lots that often, and I'm kind of confused... is all the CC included in the .sims3pack or do I have to download it all myself? It's a really nice house and I really want it in my game D:

    1. I've written it in post - CC are not included ;)

  13. God, I love your houses. I think you're my #1 favorite Sims 3 creator for houses. They look so stunning in-game too. I can't wait to try this one. :D

  14. Latoya, your Waikiki world is beautiful, and your Castaway home reminds me of one of those Tahitian over-the-water bungalows. Speaking of which, I am a home builder but not a CAW builder. When Sunlit Tides came out, I wanted so badly to build some over-water bungalows, but of course there are no lots over the water and you can't place any new lots partially over the water. I see that this is the case in your world as well, and even in your own build, you don't build your home out over the actual ocean. My question is whether this just isn't possible, even in CAW? It seems like EA did it in Lucky Palms, by creating a dock object; is it possible in CAW to use that object or something similar to potentially put a house out over the ocean? Or would it be possible to create a river/stream that flows into the ocean and then position a lot over that? This would be so amazing, especially when the Seasons patch makes the ocean swimmable...

    1. Lot in water? It's possible, but it looks bad:

    2. Ah, well not *entirely* in the water - just say the front 1/3 or 1/4 of the lot. Good to see it is possible; I take it most CAW builders just don't choose to do it. Maybe someday I will have to try to learn CAW.

  15. HI
    I have problem dowloading roof can u plz upload to different donloader.

  16. where can I find the blinds that are on the windows? (not the cutiins)



  17. Oh I love these!

  18. L'ho appena scaricata insieme all'isola non vedo l'ora di giocarci!!!

  19. :( Looks gorgeous from the pictures, but there is something wrong. I downloaded the package installation was successful, but the house does not exist in the game! So I downloaded the package and I inserted Library in the house actually exists but is obscene, there are neither the DC nor the material of the store (which I have! I have set African sunlited tides, I all) home is empty even miss all the doors and the pictures posted, although very beautiful, are not such as to enable to reconstruct it in the game. is a real shame, I dreamed about this house for months, I bought specially set Africa. was a big disappointment :(

    1. You must place store & CC objects by yourself, because they aren't included and game doesn't 'see' them in lot.

  20. I adore this lot and your Waikiki Island is fantastic. I cannot find this hut on stilts at all. I put the 591_L.package file both in the library AND the mod/package folder. Still cannot find this hut. What exactly is the file to put in the library. What is the exact name and where can I find this file. Thank you for your patience. You are awesome and talented.

    1. In case it should help others, I did succeed in the lot finally showing up in my bin in "edit town". This is the order in which I did it. I placed the 591.sims3pack file in the launcher, then placed the 591_L.package file in both the mods/package folder and the library folder. When I did not see it, I uninstalled the 591.sims3pack file, then reinstalled. Voila!! I now have it. Thank you again for sharing your great work. Linda

  21. Thank you! It looks gorgeous in game! I believe I added all the CC except I cannot find the kitchen cabinets and couch. Do you happen to remember which CC you used for these? Thanks again for doing such a phenomenal job and for any help you can offer.

    Also, (to help others) after adding the library package and installing through launcher (like mentioned above), I had to scroll way through the ingame edit town lot bin and saw it in the section for EP lots not CC lots.

  22. I know this sounds crazy BUT my you please put all this stuff on the official sims site so I can download it? My computer for some reason doesn't work well with mediafire. Once you do, could you email me at and give me the link. I love your creation a lot! It looks so beautiful and I have all the Sims store items you listed and you put them in the game so beautifully. :)

  23. You know what would really be helpful? If you listed specifically WHAT items you used from these websites, otherwise people have no way of knowing what you used and have to sift through pages of cc. So you could provide links to specific download links for the cc instead of sending people to a main page when we have no way of knowing what to download for most of this. And I don't mean the sets because you provided a link for that, but the other stuff. (clutter, deco, ect, tells me nothing.

  24. the download for the launcher file no longer works
    it might be a good idea to upload the house with the cc so people don't have to spend so much time trying to download, and place it themselves. Thanks for sharing but that's a huuge inconvenience, especially since some of the cc you used isn't even available anymore.

  25. Hi! Do you know what plant that is on the dressed 3 pics from the bottom? I've been trying to find it. =)

  26. Such a nice house, but the download doesn´t work anymore.

  27. I couldn't download from this link but, I was able to find a small workaround and download this lot by changing the redirect address. This is not a re-upload or anything. This is the same Mediafire link for "591 Tropical House Lot" Sims 3 Library file with a new redirect link.

    Redirect URL:

    Direct url:

    I hope that this helps.

  28. hi, i cant seem to download this house, when i click download it takes me to a new page with an error code. any idea how i can download?


  29. The roof download link definitely doesn't work and it doesn't seem like it worked for nearly 9 years....

  30. Latoya Sims: Castaway: 591 - Tropical House >>>>> Download Now

    >>>>> Download Full

    Latoya Sims: Castaway: 591 - Tropical House >>>>> Download LINK

    >>>>> Download Now

    Latoya Sims: Castaway: 591 - Tropical House >>>>> Download Full

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